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Serving the Spiritual Needs of Players,
Coaches, Families and Fans Since 1977

Over the past four decades, Hockey Ministries International has played an increasingly significant role alongside the game at the highest levels. From the NHL down through more than 40 minor pro and intercollegiate leagues, HMI provides chaplaincy and spiritual support to more than 2500 players around the world each year.


We understand that for the people who play, coach, officiate and parent, hockey is more than a sport – it is a culture and a community where the theme of “survival of the fittest” often prevails. People can become so consumed with performance and winning at all costs that they struggle for inner peace and purpose beyond the arena.

For those players and families that do search for contentment and perspective alongside the game, the physical and mental demands make it difficult to find consistent reflection and worship opportunities. It is there that Hockey Ministries steps into the gap to bring guidance and spiritual support for those in the world of hockey, at all levels, wherever they are at.

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While much of our attention through the winter months is upon elite level hockey, our ache and passion for the people of the game draws us back to our foundational roots each summer. Through our HMI Christian Hockey Camps, we seek to provide summer training programs for boys and girls of all skill levels. Located across Canada, the United States and throughout Europe we are privileged to work with close to 2500 young players, honing their skills and passion for the game, encouraging them in their pursuit of excellence and sharpening their focus and sights beyond the ice.  

For more information about a camp or chapel program here in Ontario, contact us at . To learn more about international programming, check out
our Ministry Centre website at

Copyright - 2023 HMI Ontario
and Hockey Ministries International

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